Hi – glad to have you on board. Whether by accident or design, you have reached the website of Eastham Village Preservation Association. Before you move on, may we share with you a little of our village’s history and how we are trying to preserve it?

Eastham is Wirral’s oldest village. Evolving from the 10th-century Manor of Estham (sic) it lies a stone’s throw from the east bank of the River Mersey. Designated a Conservation Area in 1974, following a well-supported campaign led by the Eastham Village Preservation Association (EVPA) it boasts eleven Listed Buildings, including the 12th-century church of St Mary.

Our primary function is to act as the Conservation Area Advisory Committee for the village, a role which we have carried out with some success for over fifty years. To that end we advise the Council on planning applications and tree applications within the Conservation Area.

But that is not our only role. We also look after the extensive historical archive of the village and surrounding area. We are campaigning to protect the remains of the Victorian Pleasure Gardens and Zoo located in what is now Eastham Country Park, and we are leading the campaign to reduce the volume and speed of traffic through the village.

A quick flick through our site and a glance at the picture portfolio may just stimulate your curiosity.
Now you’ve got this far you might like to check out progress with our Projects. Click on any of the Projects in the left-hand column in the table below and this will take you to more information on the subject.
What we do
Projects | Details |
Eastham’s Graveyard Team | Subgroup responsible for maintaining the churchyard. |
Eastham Traffic Campaign | We undertake ‘Speed Watch’ operations on the Village roads, including Ferry Road, to persuade traffic to stay within the 20mph limit. We campaign to remove HGVs from the Village. |
Saving Eastham’s Victorian Pleasure Gardens | We are campaigning to preserve the remains of the unique Victorian Pleasure Gardens that now form part of Eastham County Park. Erection of information boards |
Eastham’s History Archive | We maintain the Eastham history archive inherited from Eastham Archive Group, including all 48 copies of The Eastham Archivist, soon to be available online |
The Friends of Torr Park | Subgroup – complements the Council’s reduced workforce to help keep Torr Park tidy. Aims to return cricket to the Park |
Re-opening of the shoreline footpath Bromborough Pool to Eastham | Campaign to re-open this old public footpath to enable Eastham to link to the established ‘Round Wirral’ footpath and give residents access to the Mersey shore |
Street Furniture | We repair and maintain the Gilbert-designed red phone box in the centre of the Village. We refurbish and replace the cast iron fingerposts in the Village. We hope to reinstate the Village pump on Ferry Road. We maintain the sandstone stile in Eastham Village Road. We protect the rubbing stones outside the Hooton Arms. We maintain the Notice Boards |
Eastham Litter Pickers | Keeping Eastham clean and tidy |
Floral Eastham | Responsibility for paying for, and watering/feeding etc, the Hanging Baskets that adorn the village each summer |