Volunteers Day

Children’s Play Equipment in Torr Park, Eastham

The second Friends of Torr Park “volunteer day” will take place on Saturday 27th April. The aim again is to clear brambles and other intrusive species from the Rhodedendron bushes in the centre of the park. Also, depending on numbers etc., there will be litter picking equipment that could be utilised or there may be opportunity to cut back some of the ivy growing on the trees.

The intention is to start at 9.00 am and the day will conclude around 3.00 pm. We would welcome any volunteers willing to assist and it is understood this may be for a shorter period, an hour for example would be fine and much appreciated. You are of course very welcome to come for the whole period.

Torr Park Pavilion

The former cricket pavilion in Torr Park has been ‘lent’ to the Friends of Torr Park as a place to store their equipment and rest after their labours in the Park.

Umpires coats hanging where they were left in 2018

The graffiti-covered building has been an eyesore ever since the cricketers left pre covid.

When the door was opened, it looked like a time warp. The interior had remained untouched since the last game; the umpire’s coats were left hanging, ready for the next game, and photos and trophies still adorned the walls.

Cricket has been played in Eastham for over 150 years – it’s time to resume the tradition.

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting will be held at Eastham Lodge Golf Club in Ferry Road on the 24th April starting at 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm start. There will be a brief report on the year’s activities, an update on the accounts and the election of committee members. This will be followed by a talk on Eastham’s famous Victorian Pleasure Gardens by Dr David Mottram. David conducts guided monthly tours of the gardens and his talk will include the efforts being made to preserve their remains including the fountains, the bear pit and the wall of the boating lake.

Everyone is welcome.

Bear Piut in Eastham Gardens.   Part of the talk by Dr David Mottram at the EVPA's AGM on 24th April 2024
The Bear Pit in Eastham Gardens
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Making Eastham’s Roads safer

A small band of volunteers have given up their free time through out the year to alert drivers to the 20 mph speed limit that is in force in the village streets. It seems to be having some affect as the traffic usually seems to be noticeably slower. So thanks to everyone who has taken part.

Flooding Ouside Holly Cottage

We are advised that at last the Water Company (United Utilities?) has indentified the cause of the flooding outside Holly Cottage in Eastham Village.

Tree roots were almost completely blocking the surface water sewers but these have now been cut away and removed. Hopefully this will mean no more abandoned vehicles left in the centtre of the road as happened to this poor driver recently.

Abnadoned car following flooding in Eastham Village Road
Car left high and dry after it stalled in the flood in Eastham Village Road
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Fallen Tree

Yesterday’s high winds brought down trees and branches all over Wirral. This included a tree that blocked Eastham Village Road for a while. The fire brigade eventually removed it and the road was reopened. At least it kept traffic speeds below the legal 20 mph limit!